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Okay, so I'm athletic/skinny/and getting out of shape. I'm looking to just get cut and get abs, plus stronger legs, good chest, and decent biceps.

I'm 5'8, 140 pounds.

Thing is about my chest is that when I broke my collarbone I didn't work out so my left I'll just say boob is bigger than my right. I need to fix this asap. How can I do this? Just push ups and bench press?

How do I workout my chest?

Biceps - I have some sorta big biceps, but do I just keep doing curls?

What workouts do I do for biceps?

Abs - I feel I my lower part of my abs is a bit outer than my upper part like I do drink a lot so I think it's because of the beer. How can I see results?

What ab workouts do I do?

Legs - when I sit I feel like I have a lot of fat now like it's quite a lot it seems. Do I just run to burn the fat in my legs?

How can I work out my legs?

All in all I just want to get cut.

Can anyone give me a good workout to do with the following things I want?

Also, I usually eat a Sub - Turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, and a pickle on the side. With two fat free chocolate milks (8g's protein each).

I'm also looking for a good diet and things to enhance my workout so I can see results faster.
Well first off to fix your chest only train that one "boob" for a while until they are about even. For chest exercises you should just do some benching. It's one of the BEST exercises for your chest as well as your arms since it hits your tarps as well. Your abs you could do some crunches possibly? Running is good for everything, it burns fat all over your body and will get you cut. Or for the legs you could try out some squats or anything like that. It will tone them up in a heart beat.
You need to make sure that your body is even on both sides. Don't over work one side, it's not good for you, and you might injure yourself.

Keep working on your chest until both sides are even, then you'll be ok. Remember not to overwork one part of your body but leave a different area untouched.