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Full Version: Whats going on in Antarctica?
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Just thought i would start a little thread on Antarctica.
Anyone notice all the bases around it? 32 bases from various countries actually.
Go here to find the based and coordinates so you can check yourself.

Further more whats with the weird antennas? HAARP?
Anyways this one particular base has me guessing.
Specifically its the US Palmer base.

Check these images out.

These images are days apart.

[Image: 13303280130389_palmer1.png]


[Image: 13303280437962_palmer2.png]

Notice that pyramid thing gone in pic 2?
Just found that a little weird.
Again whats going on there i have no idea.
Another image that i well am not sure of.....
This is the Progress station from Russia.
Looks a little like a Haarp Setup??

[Image: 13303304799424_russian-haarp.png]

Anyway felt it was worth discussing a little with you guys.
I find it to be an interesting topic.
Thats before we discuss the fact a station noted the sun rised 2 days early last year and 2 weeks early this year!!! Scarey!!
Polar shift perhaps is coming.
Anyways your thoughts?
Maybe a play of shadows on the first image?
(02-27-2012, 01:20 AM)NekoChan Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe a play of shadows on the first image?

Quite possible mate.
It looks a little out of place there dont it.
I mean lets say you made a building that shape. You would not make it so close to other structures.
A refueling UFO then sure lolz..... Na i dont claim its anything to be honest apart from something i cant explain.
Probably just satellite dishes to communicate home. Nothing fishy there.
Bumping this thread.

(02-27-2012, 05:43 AM)D3xus Wrote: [ -> ]Probably just satellite dishes to communicate home. Nothing fishy there.

The triangle thing is a satellite dish? Then where did it go in the next image mate?
The earths poles are shifting, so it wouldn't surprise ne if it had something to do with that. D:
Firs image, quite possibly something that's been stored there and covered over. - Shadows and the angle of the image makes it look that shape.

Probably just moved it.

Are you a conspirator DAMINK? Do you Trawl Google Earth looking for the unexplained Tongue