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N64 and Super Nintendo.
<3 Mario
(03-08-2012, 01:56 AM)RoyalYeo™ Wrote: [ -> ]my first console was the Playstation (grey square one) , i still have it but i have no games to play

Try eBay or Kijiji, they usually have someone selling an abundance of Playstation games; Kijiji more so, because it's local and people in your city might have a ton of old games they feel like hawking, this way you don't pay shipping.
First game system would have to be either the GameBoy Color or N64.
Wish I still had my N64, that was classic.
I would have to say xbox is my favourite system.

I mean I really like party chat.
Mine was the original Game Boy;
My very first game system was a first generation Playstation. My second, being the first generation XBOX, and my third being the XBOX 360. Currently I'm on my third 360.
Gamecube was my first system. Lol
For me it t would be the gameboy advance. LOL!
We had a Super Nintendo when i was a kid. They threw it away like 9 years ago though, would be cool to have it today.. Then we got the first Gameboy.
PlayStation was mine, and the first game was Croc - Legend of the gobbos.

In fact, i still have both the game and the Console in perfect condition (after I got the disk fixed). It was one of the best moments of my life, and got me into gaming. Every so often I get a bunch of mates over, we drink and whip out the PS1.

Good days, and great nostalgia it brings.
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