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Full Version: Does this seem safe
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. clean my HDTV and desktop monitor screens? In terms of the liquid contents. I don't want to damage anything and I've never used a screen cleaner before.
That should do fine however i would advise getting a microfibre cloth i have one for doing my samsung 42 inch tv and it cleans it up a treat. However i dont use any type of liquids as i find it causes alot of smudges and looks really horrific afterwards i find the best thing to do is wet the cloth ring it out so its just damp and then go over it several times and it works awesome. Example of microfibre cloth
Liquids will not damage the piece of equipment as long as you aren't pouring Windex into the cracks.
You should use only ones designed for it.
Like Grin said, use something like this

Don't want to damage your devices.
My personal recommendation: Here
As stated above.

Use the ones that are made or designed for it.
Use the cleaners that are actually made and promoted by the manufacturer of your product.