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Full Version: How to fix an unreadable disc [Xbox 360]
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Sweet, I just tried this on my Halo 2! It works again *Cheers* thank you very much!
i just use disk dr it fix the scratches and to clean the disk and it works for me.
Thanks for this great tutorial. My brother had this problem with his xbox. I Fixed it for him. So now he can play Halo3... When it wasn't working you should of heard him wining/complaining. Anyways Thanks.
My disc is laser burned, actually 6 of them, can this help?
Thanks for this OP. It really helped me out.
I fixed my unreadable discs (scratched discs) using a product to clean scratches from cars.
Nice method, this is very useful
Thank you for this TUT. I helped me a great deal.
I've seen these methods around and heard they work pretty good. I've yet to have to try it out and hope not to Smile
Sell the xbox and buy a new one because the xbox is ruined that's what happened to me.
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