Hey guys, well, just got back with my ex from a while ago (we got together at a super stressful time in her life). Anyhow, getting back together, her little sister can finally go out and she wanted me to bring them along with us just so they could get more comfortable. The thing is that all of us are in high school, her little sister has been dating the guy for a few months (they have had a bit of time in the relationship), we are just getting back together (second full date (ironically, the relationship lasted 4 months)), and I have never been on a double date.
First of all, how do I work with the knowledge that her sister's bf and sister will most likely be making out (we are going dinner and a movie), and we are not there yet, and secondly, what are rules and things to do and not to do on a double date? Wow, lots of info. Help would be much appreciated.
It's a double date it's good. Enjoy the time & make friends. Talk with them, keep it positive. It's one of their first time out show show them it's good to be out. Also, second full date, make the best of it is all I can say there.
Are you only worried about them "making out". If so, I'm not really sure what you want help with, can you explain a little more please.
I just don't want them making out, and me and my gf just sort of sitting there awkwardly because she may not be ready yet (we haven't yet even kissed). As for the double date aspect, I just need some do's and don't's to get me started. I am really clueless to social laws. :/
We all can be usually be clueless. Maybe not go on this double date if it bothers you both or ground rules like them both go somewhere else in that theater???
Usually when you're on a double date and the other couple starts making out during a movie, it'd me too awkward NOT to start kissing.
(01-31-2012, 05:06 PM)Odd Future Wrote: [ -> ]Usually when you're on a double date and the other couple starts making out during a movie, it'd me too awkward NOT to start kissing.
That's the problem. The peer pressure to kiss would be there, but because we haven't not gone far in the relationship, we technically should not. This creates a Catch22, and if she is not ready to kiss, that situation is both what I envision and fear. I sort of like the idea of ground rules though. Oh, and problem 2: I've never kissed a girl.
Any things I should do/do NOT do on a double date? How friendly should I be with the other bf, how little should I talk with the other girl (my gf's little sister, but still not look like I am purposely trying to ignore her)? Stuff like that.
Everyone Makes hard choices in life, Just do what you think is right dude, and see how you go from there.
(01-31-2012, 10:31 PM)Julia Gillard Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone Makes hard choices in life, Just do what you think is right dude, and see how you go from there.
We can go with that one.
On one of my own notes, be respectful & upright with everyone. Don't disrupt the movie & like I said, have you & your GF move somewhere else if that happens.
Best advice i can give is just be yourself dude and enjoy yourself life is full of hurdles if you overcome them this will make you a stronger person and teach you steps of life for future use. Also the kissing situation dont feel pressurised into doin this and also dont feel like you have to pressurise the girl into kissing because the other couple are because this may make your girl feel very uncomfortable and cause tension between you two. Good luck hope it all goes well