Would Python be a good advantage for a good blog or a forum board??? I know PHP is the main for that but there is also a way I seen that you could use Python for systems too.
Hmm, I never knew this, learned something new today
(If this is true)
I knew you could use Perl for web-based things, but not something as far as Python.
You can definitely use Python. Perl and Python ares essentially the same.
Many MMO's and even sites like youtube use heavy python.
Ya, because I learned this like a while ago looking through Wiki & about the different engines such as a cPanel addon. Even here >>
Blogs on Python , but my thing would be, would it be worth it because everyone I've heard says that Python is the most powerful scripting language.
My whole plan through programming, C++ then Python.
Python is not (essentially)perl.
Django is a really powerful Python webdev module. I would suggest using it for webdev