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Full Version: [New] No GPT, Surveys, Downloads etc - Huge Comission + Sell your Own!
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So basically this is a site where you can help people sell and you get paid instantly with commission, lets say you help them sell an Ebook for about $10, depending on the commission they are giving you (Which is usually 50%+) You get paid $5 per sale INSTANTLY.

They have an option where you can sell and others will sell for you which is also great. You basically just make the Sales Page which they will give you tons of options for and simply upload your Ebook. They will ask you for your commission percentage which means - How much does your seller get out of the sale.

Just started and have 1 sale right now

[Image: 78416303.png]

If you need any help, just post here and i will answer all your questions .


Shoot me a PM about this.I m interested
thank you ,i need this ,great post !