I was going to start up on Small Basics...but my fried told me it's close to useless an I asked him where I should start...
Hesaid python.
I don't have any previous knowledge of coding. However I have some experience browsing through directories...don't know if that will help.
Well, that's that...will be asking questions here and there if you don't mind.
I read some small introductions. Umm...could someone please link me to some tutorials on GOOD coding. I browsed a few pages here... And couldnt really find anything.
Use Google, it is their for a reason. We can't search for you...you need to do some things on your own to find tutorials.
Python is a pretty neat language, though. It's all-purpose and can do a lot of things, many big websites incorporate a big amount of python in their code. That is another reason is is great, you can incorporate python in most other coding languages one way or another.
It's also very easy to code and re-read. Unlike Perl where you code it once and can easily forget what the hell was what, or where it is difficult to debug other people's code, Python is basically English and straightforward.
The biggest downside is you don't compile the code, you run it like a script...so it isn't as fast as languages such as C++
Laugh said it...
In addition to that;
Learn to ask questions properly, as you will get responses based on your question, if your questions is "shitty" or doesn't contain enough information about what you want to know, you will get answers that are either, shitty, uninformative or even offending...
Do not expect others to do the work for you, asking questions as a Programmer is the last resource to drop back to, first try everything on your own, then try everything on your own, then search for solutions or explanations since your problem has most likely been solved many times before, which means "learn to use google", you can find everything if you type the right keywords....
If everything fails for over 9000th time, ask a properly formatted question describing the exact problem you ran into, describing the steps you tried to solve the problem and provide FULL source code if any...
http://python.org/ Their documentation is everything you really need once you know the basics of Python, which by the way you can also learn on that site...
Remember.... RTFM... ( Read the f***ing manual )
Good luck...
Of course. I don't expect any thing. Just saying a coding tutorial that I saw on the front page earlier with the VB 2010 for a wbrowser.
That's pretty good.
I enjoy documentation, the sooner you can get to read it and understand it, not matter how vague some documentations are out there, the better off you'll be. Going to look for tutorials and all that won't get you as far as taking documentation and experimenting with it to learn something on your own. If you're struggling, then that's when you'd go looking for alternatives. But documentation is usually the first best choice to go to, as it's just strict information on how a function or class or method or object works. Uninfluenced by any external interpretations out there which may or may not be right some of the time.
Thank you very much. I'm going to start rigth now.