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Full Version: Looking to buy semi/succesful forum
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(01-11-2012, 01:57 AM)King Wrote: [ -> ]I would want to join an ACTIVE blogging forum to get the latest information on various blogging tips and tricks, important plugins, and themes for my blog. Basically, I'd want something to assist me in making my blog better than my competitors.

What would I post? Feedback for people asking about various aspects of their site. I would post in SEO-based sections, and help out with the Wordpress and Blogger software where necessary.

What do I look for? A comfortable and attractive place to post. Along with activity. That's anything anyone looks for in a forum.

Everyone looks for activity.
So how do I get members when I'm just starting out?
My forum is not that successful it only has about 150 members. It's a tech forum site so based off technology and gaming. If you would like for info let me know. It also has a nice theme and you can decide if you want to buy my vbulletin license with it or just convert it to mybb if you do mybb i have a custom theme for it.
(01-11-2012, 02:18 AM)TalishHF Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone looks for activity.
So how do I get members when I'm just starting out?

You don't. It takes time. I wouldn't mind joining if you had everything but the activity at the moment, but you're not quite there.
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