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Alright, didn't know where to put this so I guess it goes here. I'm hungry as I type this, I tried popping some popcorn in the microwave, the bag just made a sizzling sound as if the butter was just boiling. Now, my microwave does not spin like most microwaves, could that be the problem?
My microwave doesn't spin either, popcorn works fine though. How long did you put it in for and by which brand is the popcorn made?
(01-05-2012, 07:41 PM)Quizzical Wrote: [ -> ]My microwave doesn't spin either, popcorn works fine though. How long did you put it in for and by which brand is the popcorn made?
Orval (not sure I spelt it right, it has that old guy on the front). It's not those mini bags, it's a large bag. I put it in for 1 minute 30 seconds, no popping. I tried 2 minutes, 30 seconds like 10 popped but they burned.
Probably just a lemon, did you try again with another bag?
(01-05-2012, 07:56 PM)Cykn Wrote: [ -> ]Probably just a lemon, did you try again with another bag?
I tried 4 bags, one left. I've tried pouring it into a bowl (it exploded). I tried cooking it 30 seconds, stopping shaking the bag putting i back another 30 seconds (I got 20 pieces, out over maybe 100). It's really pissing me off, all I want is popcorn... I have cheesecake, but I want to give that to my cousin.
(01-05-2012, 08:02 PM)MineCrack Wrote: [ -> ]I tried 4 bags, one left. I've tried pouring it into a bowl (it exploded). I tried cooking it 30 seconds, stopping shaking the bag putting i back another 30 seconds (I got 20 pieces, out over maybe 100). It's really pissing me off, all I want is popcorn... I have cheesecake, but I want to give that to my cousin.

Either the entire box is a lemon, or the issue is the microwave after all. Does anything else do anything weird when you cook it?
Try choosing different power/heat settings on the microwave?
Put it on full power.

Also, lol @ this thread being in Healthy Living and Lifestyle.
Try it to full power possibly, your microwave in general just might be toast. 2 minutes 22 seconds is the norm in what time I use for the Orville Redenbachers popcorn bags. They turn out fine, and lol at this topic, feels weird replying to popcorn problems on a forum, but well thats life Smile
So your popcorn doesn't pop and then gradually stops at one to two seconds a pop.
CUse once it does that's the time to take out your popcorn.
You could try lowering the temperature on your microwave.
I ran out of popcorn, so I gave up. I'll be testing again later.
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