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Full Version: Your deepest, darkest secrets
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Let them out here.

What goes on in here, stays in here.

You can tell us anything and I mean anything
Refer to rule one
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Refer to rule three
Do not flame

I will post my deepest darkest secrets after 5 people post theirs.
Sometimes, when no one is around, I mess around on this computer type forum with a green theme.
I broke my friend's silver DS Phat, and told him his dog did it. After that we smashed it to pieces with a sledgehammer, because it was broken anyways. (let me tell you, those things are STRONG!)
I'm really an alien from another planet, sent to spy on the humans.
There is many of us here on Earth.
I masturbate to images of dogs giving birth...
A secret is not a secret if we say it! Even on the internet!

I have cheated Smile
I'm posting in this thread.
My last secret was a lie. His dog really did break his DS.
I hate my (soon to be ex-)girlfriend. I'm gonna dump her sometime this week, right before the dance because she's such a b*tch.
Screw that, do it DURING THE DANCE ha ha ha ha lol Or like 5 minutes before your supposed to pick her up....
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