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Full Version: Harddrive issue perhaps.
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Just curious if anyone has tried installing 7 on a harddrive and then delete partitions and try install xp?
The reason i ask is i did exactly this and now i cant for the life of me get xp to install. I can get 7 to install just fine?
It appears there is a small partition that i cant delete. Even under a linux enviroment. It shows like 99.8% available and this little bit i cant access.
I can delete all partitions seemingly but when i create 1 single one with max volume a small portion remains.
Under windows and linux no luck. Its not the CD as i was able to install easily onto another drive. Its certainly appears to be the harddrive.
I thought perhaps a few bad sectors perhaps were the problem but i still dont see how this would cause it??
The main symtom i have is the install works fine. Then it copies all files over etc and requires a reboot to continue install. Well after reboot i get a os error!

I was actually thinking of trying the tool omni posted about deleting a harddrive with that floppy disk. I cant remember the name of the tool.
But any opinions would be great. Thanks.
This doesn't actually help your issue much but I thought I'd mention it. If you have a newer processor and Windows 7 Ultimate you can just use "xp mode" in a virtual machine instead of dual booting. You can download it for free from Microsoft.
Have you tried formatting the drive with dban? Might work, let me know if it does Smile