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Full Version: Some of my work
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Pages: 1 2
Hey guys. Thought I'd show you some of my work. Tell me what you think!

[Animated Userbars]
[Image: wolskieuserbar.gif]

[Image: soulcollectoruserbar.gif]

[Image: trilobyteanimateduserbar-1.gif]

[Image: deadnode.gif]

[Image: wolskiesig.png]

[Image: Deathunome.png]

[Image: madex.png]

[Image: guessig.png]

[Image: kaotic.png]

[Image: millemillz.gif]

[Animated Signatures]
[Image: m1r0.gif]

[Image: soulcollector-1.gif]

[Image: xhashanimated.gif]

[Image: databaseavatar-1.png]

[Image: trilobyteavatar.png]

[Image: guest-2.png]

[Image: wolskieavatar.png]

They're not too bad Smile

What software did you use to make these?
I use Photoshop CS4.
I use Photoshop CS4 myself.

Perhaps you could create a tutorial on how to make userbars? I don't think we have one here at SF.
Not bad. I find the scanlines on the yellow one kind of harsh though. (but I'm digging the one underneath it)
Scanlines much? ^^
Hmm, i like it it, keep up the great work man!
Very nice. I like the moving ones too, keep up the good work! And maybe post some more of your graphics.
I love the first one.
You should make a tutorial in how to create one of these, it will be pretty helpful IMO Smile
Pages: 1 2