So for the past hour I've been working on this, tweaking bits and bobs and trying different things. I think I've finally got it looking good and I want to know what you guys think of it.
Please give it a rating between 1 and 10, also don't reply with anything nasty or anything about the code blah blah blah, I just want some genuine feedback.
Links List Page HERE
What is this for BreShie? If you could specify a little bit, you might get better feedback.
It's not specificly for anything, it's just a nice design for listing objects. I was bored when I did this, when I get bored I code. ^_^
It's not bad.. Could use some GFX or something though. 7/10
Just because its nothing really.
And yea the whole dont steal my code crap just dont work bro.
Anyone can steal your code if they want to and having a no right click does just make people want to look more.
My advice scrap that now and always. No use.
(12-22-2011, 03:58 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]3/10
Just because its nothing really.
And yea the whole dont steal my code crap just dont work bro.
Anyone can steal your code if they want to and having a no right click does just make people want to look more.
My advice scrap that now and always. No use.
I'm good thanks, the way I see it is my way or the highway. I do things my own way.
I know that it makes people want to look more, hence the reason why I took the time to encode the source. In my opinion if you're that sad to steal a bit of HTML code then you're not going to know how to decode source.
Also, please give more reasoning for your "3/10" as it wasn't meant to be a huge project, just a simple page with a simple, easy-to-look-at GUI.
Steal html code?
Really do you think people need to or want to steal html code?
Seriously man my point was all it does when people use stupid no right click java or whatever it simply makes people want to check out your code.
Not to steal as well lets be honest. You dont have anything worth stealing.
Hell you could get a better css template for that anywhere on the net free mate.
Look at any established site. I mean one that exists over 3 months.
They wont use this because its not only pointless its a bit childish.
As for my rating.
Well its nothing you offer to be judged so it gets a low vote.
What you did takes only minutes to produce. Its not worth rating in any real capacity.
The final site may well be better im sure. But what you offered was simply an incomplete project.
(12-22-2011, 09:45 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Steal html code?
Really do you think people need to or want to steal html code?
Seriously man my point was all it does when people use stupid no right click java or whatever it simply makes people want to check out your code.
Not to steal as well lets be honest. You dont have anything worth stealing.
Hell you could get a better css template for that anywhere on the net free mate.
Look at any established site. I mean one that exists over 3 months.
They wont use this because its not only pointless its a bit childish.
As for my rating.
Well its nothing you offer to be judged so it gets a low vote.
What you did takes only minutes to produce. Its not worth rating in any real capacity.
The final site may well be better im sure. But what you offered was simply an incomplete project.
Trust me. Some people will try stealing it.(ME) When i saw the template the first thing i did was right click. I saw java disabled it, and i just left the page. Obviously i can easily disable java and get the code, but I'm not going to do all that just for his html.(If it was beast, then i would) So it did prevent me from stealing it.
It's a nice template, people will take it. I wanted to use it for my tumlr pages. But w/e, it's his code.
Anyways my rating 6/10.
The graphics could be better. I can't judge the html since i cannot see it, but I'm guessing it's just a simple background and then you just abjusted the links to be in the center of the bg and changed the font.
The colors do not suit. Get it some other colors, not dark ones. Also, I disable the JS so Right Click will be enabled... that is not needed, and I (everyone) can, still, steal your code even if it is Right Click Protected
Ok, so i just got into the source. VERY easy. But turns out, he wasn't joking. He really did encode it.