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Full Version: Sexies back
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Hey guys. Beautiful is back. You can all go back to loving and cherishing every moment you get to spend with me.
Welcome to SF. Nice ego.
You're so silly, I've been here all along.
(10-31-2009, 09:51 PM)Jake Wrote: [ -> ]Nice ego.
Also known as sarcasm.

(10-31-2009, 09:58 PM)n4q Wrote: [ -> ]You're so silly, I've been here all along.
I don't know you, nor have i ever heard about you, but anyways.. Welcome to supportforums Smile
(10-31-2009, 10:48 PM)Codine Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know you, nor have i ever heard about you, but anyways.. Welcome to supportforums Smile

Really? Well that's strange considering I was a regular user on HackForums.
What was your username on Hackforums?
Same as this one.
Oh, can't say i've seen you on hackforums, but anyways this is supportforums and i've seen you now so welcome and enjoy your time here Smile
Yeah. I've seen you a couple times in the lounge. That's it.
Pages: 1 2