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(02-04-2012, 07:59 PM)AceInfinity Wrote: [ -> ]Again, I would say exactly what i've just said.
Ace Wrote:I'm pretty sure this is just logical common sense, but it's up to you which symbols you want to use. You'd just be chancing it for which websites would allow certain symbols as password chars that's all. Otherwise, usually websites allow you free will over what kind of complex password you want.
That's simply just common sense.

yeah i see what you mean, but could i put this sort of generator in a website(For a signup)
Im guessing i should just refer to google on this one...
(02-04-2012, 09:02 PM)Warp 1.9 Wrote: [ -> ]That's simply just common sense.

yeah i see what you mean, but could i put this sort of generator in a website(For a signup)
Im guessing i should just refer to google on this one...

In a website? Yeah, you could make a pass generator for those people that can't think of their own passwords, but this is a VB.Net project, so not this exact one in specific.
(02-04-2012, 09:42 PM)AceInfinity Wrote: [ -> ]yeah i see what you mean, but could i put this sort of generator in a website(For a signup)
Im guessing i should just refer to google on this one...
In a website? Yeah, you could make a pass generator for those people that can't think of their own passwords, but this is a VB.Net project, so not this exact one in specific.

yeah but the same sort of princeable in making one with PHP or something browser friendly like that.
I have made a PHP password generator, it's thread is located here.
Thank you for this, I really needed something like this! I am working on a project (not school related) but I am only developing it while I am at school. This really helped! Thanks!!
Nice project, thankfully you made it include symbols and special characters. Most people just do letters. :p
Thanks for your comments, both of you. Smile @SomeWhite, really?
I never looked at the code before, but your method only produces a symbol at the end of the password string, and you shouldn't be using += as much as you should be using &= as password is a string here.

Try randomizing it a bit more, you also don't need the numbers or letter array:
Private Function GeneratePassword(Length As Integer) As String
If (Length < 5) Then Length = 5

Dim Symbols As String = "!£$%^&*(){}~@:;#?/>.<"
Dim Rand As New Random
Dim Password As String = String.Empty

While Password.Length < Length
    Select Case Rand.Next(Password.Length) Mod (Password.Length + 1)
        Case 0
            Dim Letter As String = Convert.ToChar(Rand.Next(65, 65 + 26)).ToString
            Select Case Password.Length Mod 2
                Case 0
                    Password &= Letter.ToUpper
                Case Else
                    Password &= Letter.ToLower
            End Select
        Case Else
            Select Case Password.Length Mod 2
                Case 0
                    Password &= Rand.Next(0, 10)
                Case Else
                    Password &= Symbols.Substring(Rand.Next(0, Symbols.Length - 1), 1)
            End Select
    End Select
End While
Return Password
End Function

Here's the kind of passwords this would generate:

Edit: I missed milopeach's answer too. Your "While True" is a bad misuse of the While loop as that's not what it's intended for, you could have just used the while expression to check the password length instead of making it a statement to check for to exit the loop.
are the passwords easy to crack with bruteforce or something like that?

Combinations above 7 chars is safe enough, preferrably not words from the dictionary, alphanumeric is better, and with symbols it makes the possibilities even more limitless, which makes it harder for somebody to check combinations against your password. If you use the one I provided here:

I don't think you'll have an issue with that, as long as you output to at least 6 or 7 values.
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