Does anyone have any ferrets as a household pet? Some people would consider them a rodent, but I think they're amazing pets. I own two myself. If you don't know what a ferret is, here's a picture of two. This picture almost portrays my ferrets exactly as they look.
From what I've seen based on my friends Ferrets, they stink really bad
I've had one before, along with a cat. It was a disaster. They had fights every day and the ferret was poorly trained. (I adopted it.) I sadly don't have him anymore because of maintenance costs at the time but I miss him.
My friend who stayed next door owned two of them. They were quite friendly but they loved to scratch and bite things.
I personally think that ferrets are cute, but I wouldn't consider them as household pets. I would recommend getting a gerbil or maybe a little hedgehog instead. How I wish I could hug a hedgehog.
I only had a ferret once, when i was in 5th grade. That little thing was amazing. His name was buddy, and even though he was very sick and had explosive diarrhea and eventually died, he was one of the most amazing pets i have had. He was very friendly, charismatic and loved attention. He had a way of running around which was just cute, he would hop from his front legs to back legs in an awkward way. He had a smell to him but i would not say it was a bad one. Overall i love ferrets.
Omg those ferret looks so cute, but yeah they stink.
ferrets would be awesome!
I wunts a ferret
My cousin has two ferrets named Billy and Lilly. They're really sweet, but they smell terrible.
Ferrets are cute, and I heard they stink. I don't own any myself though.