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I would like a puppy or a cute little cub
I would really like a wolf hybrid. Either that or a dragon.
(11-28-2011, 10:17 PM)Rainbow Dash Wrote: [ -> ]I would really like a wolf hybrid. Either that or a dragon.

lmao, a Dragon?
How bad-ass would it be to fly to work/school on a dragon? YeyeSuperman
Lol I think I'd like a wolf. I've only ever 'heard' of people keeping them as pets. I'd always be afraid it'd turn on me while I was sleeping or something. But I guess if it's trained and loved the right way I doubt it would do that. That would definitely be my ideal pet. I have a fascination with them.
I would LOVE to have one of those White Tigers, those are so beast! Smile
(12-01-2011, 10:47 PM)Professor Oak Wrote: [ -> ]I would LOVE to have one of those White Tigers, those are so beast! Smile
I would love to have a spider monkey Smile
Unrealistically, I would want a giraffe.

Realistically, I'd like to get sugar gliders again. I used to have some, but my mom made me get rid of them.
I think i would like to tame a lion that would be nice.
If i could have any pet, I am pretty sure I would get a Tiger. A baby one though so I can raise it around humans and hopefully teach it to not have that killer instinct and just snap at any moment.
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