I have a 10 gallon, with live aragonite, large peice of rock, and a small peice. Also have several snails and hermits and adding a sexy shrimp today.
Also have a clown fish
I've had a fish tank in my room. It was 15 gallons, which is perfect.
Yes, but that's not what I asked. Is it saltwater?
I don't have a salt water fish tank. Those things are pretty hard to care for in my opinion. But I do have a very decorated 55 gallon long fresh water fish tank. I basically have 5 huge goldfish & 2 african claw frogs in it. I bought the tank for my niece, she loves fish & she can't have a fish tank at her house due to her parents are not really into the maintence etc.. So when she comes over she pretty much enjoys it.
It's not hard at all. I barely do anything to mine. everything nowadays is automated, although it does get harder with coral.
I really never got into the saltwater, it's just from what I hear. Yes you're right everything is automated..I have my fish tank running on eheim 80g filter.