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Hello all
I have been in this relatoinship for four years and a week ago me and her decided to take a break. Then i went out of town for a few days and come Back to find out she is with my friend. My problem is that we still love each other and she wants to be best friends still And eventually get back together when the time is right. I had a good talk with her today and sbe says she still loves me and wants to be with me but not at this time. We had been together for four years and se decided we need a break. She tells me that she is just rebounding on him wants to fun then we will get back together in a couple months. I dont know wat to believe or how to feel and was looking for some help.


Kick her as soon as possible !!! Get a new GF
If you love her and you find waiting will do you two some good, then wait. If you're thinking it's not really worth it, then don't wait.
It seems like she has lost intrest in you to me, sorry to say.
But If she decided to take a break, it was for a reason.
& If she was with your friend, she is probably trying to make you jealous.

Yet it is your decision, to wait or not to wait. :x
Go and tell your friend what she said. LOL. Also you should post a pic of her man
well what else one can is you who have decide...all d best
Listen to your heart and if that doesn't work just do something that feel right.
You might want to talk to your girlfriend more deeply about this. I mean, rebounding with another guy for more fun is very wrong. She should've just asked you to be more playful, but talk to her about it, and wait.
Go out somewhere , sit alone and think deeply about her and your love happenings in the past.
You should get some idea whether to or not to continue this relationship,just listen your heart ;D
Sit alone and think. After that stay with friends and party etc, and go to school and you will feel better.
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