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Full Version: Song Lyrics "Betrayed" (My Song)
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This song i wrote for all the tough times that i have been betrayed by girlfriends in the past. Please tell me what you think.

Innocence and Ignorance is your facade, your lies have grown inside to far beyoned,
minipulation and agravation changed my life, your ways of decieving is as sharp as a knife.
Everything you told me was a lie, as im sitting here, writing this song, i wish you would die.
You have forever scared and broke my heart, left me alone in the dark, let my mind travel, where will it take me?
Once you pull the trigger of the activation that causes frustration, will i finally brake?

Watch these blue skys now painted red define your lies,
Demented ways of thinking clouds my mind, its amazing how fast your heart can be taken withn a blink of an eye.
Awaken the feelings of agravation..... You have Betrayed me.

Disgruntled, Spiritless, alone you will die, Beaten down and Worthless, you will lay.
Destroyed comunications will exploit your life, stricken with a uncurable sickness,
all hope will die. As you prey on another innocent, your decieving ways are iminent.
Words can't describe how i feel, so come close so i can show you how i feel.

Watch these blue skys now painted red define your lies,
Demented ways of thinking clouds my mind, its amazing how fast your heart can be taken withn a blink of an eye.
Awaken the feelings of agravation.......You have Betrayed me.

betrayed once again, love is out of the question, this cycle of depression, will never end, been hurt too many times, please not again.
Very nice lyrics you have here Indeed.
You should try and actually create a song, I think It would sound rather nice and peaceful.
Good luck.
(10-09-2011, 09:19 PM)Two Wrote: [ -> ]Very nice lyrics you have here Indeed.
You should try and actually create a song, I think It would sound rather nice and peaceful.
Good luck.

This is my own song i wrote myself, along with another one of my friends who is in my band. This song is not supposed to be peaceful at all, far from that.
This is nice. My kind of music. A bit of anger mixed in with everything else.