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Full Version: [SUGGESTIONS] Money Making Online, SF Marketplace, and Reputation
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Money Making Online
It needs to go. It adds no value or content to the forums. It is filled with spam, and crappy eBooks written by 12 year olds who consider ADF.LY the "new internet marketing scheme." The quality sucks in there, and it honestly should be removed.

SF Marketplace
Taking a wild guess, but I'd say 19/20 of the threads in there are direct copy/pastes from Hack Forums. That is fine, if you're selling a domain..a theme...a forum..a code..etc on both forums. And it is fine if you change the thread layout so it matches Support Forums. It is fine if you take the time to change the thread intro from "Hey HF" to "Hey SF." But what it is now? Not fine. The threads selling Facebook accounts, exchanging currency, youtube service shops, selling youtube accounts, cheap (aka crappy) hosting, etc are what I call "HF QUALITY." I think rules need to be put in place on what we expect to be sold, because it is useless and disgusting now.
edit: This would solve most of the issues:

Ok, I honestly didn't want to mention this...but the memberbase has grown immature and people are now asking for reputation in PMs and over external IM clients. I have been asked by two members so far, and 'coincidentally' their rep has gone up a pretty good amount since they started asking. I honestly don't care that much, if it makes the little kids happy let it be...but I think the staff should start making plans to discipline for this because it's really sad to see go on in SF. If I was Omniscient I'd totally ban the members who do this..because if you're that attention-seeking you need rep; chances are you don't even benefit this forum at all. But I'm not Omni, so I'm suggesting this.

What do you guys think about the ideas?
I fully agree, you made 3 amazing arguments, and through thinking about it you're right. I've noticed the bulk amounts of 'get Rich Quick' schemes, this is SupportForums not PostAllYourbadMethodsThatDontWorkForums.

SF Marketplace, I don't really see anything wrong with it, but people need to take the 5 seconds to edit their post to make it SF suitable.

as for the reputation, Omni has said that it's not against the rules to ask for rep, it's fine if people want to boost up their rep to be honest, It doesn't effect anything on the site, unlike on HF where it effects the way people deal with you. I myself have never asked for rep here on SF, and I never will, I don't see the point in having illegitimate rep, others make think you're cool but it makes me feel, I don't know, bad? It's a weird feeling, it just doesn't seem right. Unlike when you have legit rep and you can be proud of it.

i think Omni should implement the negative reputations still, it may cause some problems down the road, but what happens when we come across a ignorant user, you can't add your comment to their profile? Which I think is pretty stupid.
Negative reputation should not be implemented.
(10-03-2011, 06:36 PM)Laugh Wrote: [ -> ]Negative reputation should not be implemented.

Or at least neutral
Not even, Omni said himself it won't happen. stay on topic.
No forum has to necessarily be removed. Just a little clean-up is needed, that's all.
I think this is a good point that you bought up. I agree with your thinking. Hopefully this thread gets seen and taken in account for.
A cleanup happened whereas all the staff was removed except for Fragma, the best as far as I can tell.
I don't see the implementation of neg rep happening here anytime soon, it causes enough trouble over at HF as it is.
Neutral rep doesn't affect anybody really, I don't see anything wrong with it.
The marketplace has to have more rules (maybe Omni can implement that vouch system over here.)
Well neutral rep is still harmful if it proves the point. HQ users will care about the neutral. Rep concerned users dgaf.
And D3xus you are right about the - rep. It will cause more probs.
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