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Full Version: Cookie, Possibly Database, Problem Between Four MyBB Forums
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I have four MyBB websites that I've had online for a little while. Every once and a while I let them just sit there because I have to work full time at another job.

The problem is this. I have checked all of my cookie locations, destinations, and files, they all seem correct. I looked on another website and found support there and they had no problem with it, but I seem to be getting alot of difficulty.

What Happens:

When you login to the site, it says you logged in, and upon refresh, you're logged out. Used to, it would auto-forward you to the portal page, but i removed that plugin. Used to it would log you out until you went to the index page and then it worked. Now it just leaves you logged out. in the ACP it logs you out after every action, making it impossible to perform any major administrative actions.

What's more is changing the password doesn't help. I've done it with the "lost password" function as well as gone into the database and changed it manually. A password change does not solve the issue.


In order to fix this on one of my sites, I was required to get another admin to merge my account with another newly created account and then change the name back to my original account's name. Now everything works perfectly fine.

I am beginning to think that this is a problem with all of my websites' MySQL Databases. I simply can't just recreate a new account for every member, that'd take days upon days and alot of work. I also don't want to destroy the database and start over. All of my backups of the database also seem to be corrupted from this as well, as restoring from a backup doesn't change anything.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I do however notice that, since I have all of these sites linked to one another (they have toplinks to each other making a web network), that if I'm on my gaming site, which is fixed for me now because of making the new account, and use the top links to access my other sites, it works perfectly fine, no problem at all. I login automatically. But if i go to it directly or via shortcut in my browser it doesn't login at all no matter what i do. And yes, I've removed all cooking from my browser.
does anyone know how to solve this?
New idea. Run this query on the database of affected forums:

PHP Code:
UPDATE `mybb_usersSET `loginkey` = '' WHERE `uid` = '1'

I think your UID is 1 on all forums so the query should be fine for all of them... see what that does.
Matt, it does nothing. I can still login as long as i'm routed there from the toplinks of anyo ther site ont he same server. but as soon as i go there directly, no go.
now i can't login to gamersregion at all. it's completely inaccessible from any direction.
so i found out what my problem ISP is blocking something that keeps me from logging in. I called them and asked for help, know what they said? "Sorry sir, we can't help with private sites" (because this is a military ISP)...WTF!!!!!
If i was you, i would switch your ISP if at all possible.
unfortunately I'm active duty military and live on the base. I only have one option for an ISP.