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Alright, i didn't know where else to post so i just posted here. So sorry if this is in the wrong section.

I Am 16 and i weigh 250. I Do not look like an obese kid, i look regular not skinny and not fat but in between. I Have been trying to realize why i weigh so much, but don't look like i weigh 250. Is this normal?
You probably have a lot of muscle. Like a LOT. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the only thing that'd explain it i believe is, your a strong dude.
(09-23-2011, 01:53 AM)Unify Wrote: [ -> ]You probably have a lot of muscle. Like a LOT. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the only thing that'd explain it i believe is, your a strong dude.

I Am i guess, lol. I Will post a picture of me here in a little bit to show you all what i am talking about. No way i can be mega muscle. I Sit home and play games all day.
You should post your height as your age doesn't coincide with your weight as much as your height does.

Here's a male weight to height chart.

You might want to see a doctor about your weight just to make sure it isn't imposing any direct health threats to you.
dont worry do some workout and then ur body will become slim and plus u might have more muscles etc
You are probably what is referred to as "skinny fat", you are overweight but the mass is well distributed so you don't really look it, I'd bet you're also fairly tall right? I mean if you're under 6 feet and you weigh 250lbs you're probably lying to yourself when you say you don't look obese.
well you are probably just tall, and its spread out. or superjacked.
We can't do too much to help you unless you tell us how tall you are.
I'm skinny as a rake and can eat all day. i just don't get it.
I'd say It Isn't normal but It could be average. Do some daily excersize, go for a run etc.
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