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Full Version: Get Accepted in Adsense [Easiet and The Best Possible Method]
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I have used this method to get my adsense account. I am proud to say that i am earning a lot with my adsense account. So i thought this would come in handy for those who are interested to get involved in adsense.

step 1: sign up an account at

step 2: Go to your docstoc profile page and Fill the profile information completely.

step 3: You can check the profile completeness above the profile page. If your profile completeness reaches above 90% then you can proceed. it is recommended that you should fill complete information in profile page.

step 4: Upload any documents with file types: doc, xls, ppt, pdf, rtf, txt, docx, xlsx, ppts (check Supported file types)

step 5: Upload atleast 12 documents.

step 6: Go to doccash page and click apply for adsense account.

step 7: You get an email verification mail and go through the link.

step 8: Then you get an mail for application fill up. Go to that link and fill the application.

step 9: After filling the application you get the message that your "Your application will be reveiwed and replied soon in 1-2 days".

step 10: Happy Earning.

If you are wise enough then leave a feedback here!
Why would you upload documents? That doesn't make any sense...
I've never thought of doing it that way. What I did was just get accepted through Youtube. Pretty easy too, but not as easy as this.
Thanks for this, if I ever get banned, I'll be sure to use this guide Big Grin
I'll take a look at this later, I need a good AdSense account Big Grin
Actually, adsense is much easier than that to join. Make a blog at, add 2-3 posts, apply for an adsense account and they'll accept you in two hours.
(10-03-2011, 09:11 AM)☯ Gabriel ☯ Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, adsense is much easier than that to join. Make a blog at, add 2-3 posts, apply for an adsense account and they'll accept you in two hours.

Well its not that easy. Because most of the time the applications get rejected and the common reasons are Page Type, and Lack of TLD.
I will be trying this, thank you for the share.
I'm really trying to get my youtube account marked for Monetization, but i scrapped it and started again to make it better
Not work for me, they again rejected my account Sad
Are you sure of it to work?
Most of the time, these sites suck
Are you sure of it to work?
Most of the time, these sites suck
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