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I personally got sum DOM that was laced 1 mg of the -r isomer on these kind of tabs, it was the most intense, beautiful trip I ever had, everything was in swirling kaliediscopic honey comb neon colors, and lines/fractals shot out everywhere I looked. when I looked at a painting it just wasnt a painting (etc) I am interested in how they make these. if anybody knows an artist il buy a shitload of these (im that kind of hippy who frames blotter on walls)

idk psychedlic art is my thing =D

edit: I have psychedleic posters liek the sublime 40 oz to freedom album all tripped out. and mushroom posters, idk I think 1000 1x1 cm blotter papers making one huge design would make a badass framed piece of art
That picture seems pretty trippy and dope, keep em' coming!
woah. I love trippy stuff too. I got a deviantart page that has some as well.

for looking for framed stuff go to a flea market they always got that kinda stuff. I like it.

Used to have a poster kinda like that art and a black light and it was trippy and nice. LOL.
yeah im lyeing I got 25 grams of Ethoxymethyl_salvinorin_B (completely legal psychedelic) that is much more potent then lsd and last about 3 hours, im looking to make sum sexxy blotter
dooo eeet and upload the pics. I'd like to see em.
You can use [img] tags for previewing pics directly here.
(09-20-2011, 02:33 AM)Calculus Wrote: [ -> ]You can use [img] tags for previewing pics directly here.

It's a gallery of images though so it's best to just post the link
Never been a fan of that kind of art work.
Nicely done. Thanks for sharing. This is an original concept.
bump for art appreciatetion
too short - all my bitches is gone
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