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Full Version: I'm new here.
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Hello i'm new to the forum, I came here from hackforums, but my hackforums name is taken Pinch.
So I don't have my little tm Sleep But I just came over to say hey.
I didn't think you were new, I think you came here to spam for the feather with Kyle FYI™ before, and you got banned for it, and now you're trying again. I don't see how a username quite that unique could be taken by coincidence...

Look at the resemblance. You still managed to put your birth date at around 90 years old like in your old account. I don't even have to be a mod and i'm pretty confident on saying that you were that person.

Edit: Further evidence on how I noticed that you're spamming some pretty quick posts currently as well.
Welcome to sf, friend!!!!!!
