Sounds like a good way to make money but what do you put in the download link that everyone wants?
(09-16-2011, 01:48 PM)Godly™ Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like a good way to make money but what do you put in the download link that everyone wants?
-Keygenerators (Microsoft point generator, runescape membership generator, ect..)
-MSN Hacker
-Webcam Hack
Anything that will make kids sit their for ten minutes and fill out a survey.
Some proof of payout:
If you upload pictures please next time don't even dare to upload at Tinypic.
It seems interesting, but money isn't that good so giving them a mirror to your shitcash would make youur money drop through the floor, because you get like $5 for a thousand clicks.
I know about this, really very nice website
Cool. Thanks for the share man.
Hiii.....buddyy......i try to open your given link but it is not open
Please check the link ....
enhance is not good website :|...