I'm not going to open an editing program to find the message in the blue jpeg lol
No one even wants to try this for some reason lol
I'm trying it bro. I'll post with results.
I'll be happy to hear back from you with an answer
Post your answer here in a spoiler though so it doesn't ruin it for anyone else that wants to try it on their own. I know once the answers out there though, there will be a few cheaters lol
I tried... couldn't get it. I tried: MD5, MDS, MO5, MOS... nothing.
KoBE has the first hint.
My hint:
where can you get an MD5 string from?
I don't understand at all, lol.
This should be really simple lol. What don't you understand though?
What we have to put in try your Luck?
The password that you find from the challenge in uppercase letters.