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Hey SF,

Well I wanted to share with you an idea that I have, I would like to make a XBOX 360 Black Ops tournament. So If you would like to be in the tournament please read how it will word below and post your gamertag so I can add you.

How will it work?

There will be a certain amount of people that will be in the tournament, then they will be split into different divisions. First division will be called SFe (Support Forums Experts), second division will be called SFa (Support Forums Amateurs) and the last one will be called SFs (Support Forums Starters). Don't worry to much about the names of the groups as it does not mean you are good or bad it's just first in best dress, the tournament will be 5v5 SnD.

How will you get the winner?

The winner will be chosen after playing 5 maps of search and destroy, after that all the scores will be added up and whom ever have the most kills with lowest death will be announced winner.

What are the rules?

Game Options
Class Editor: Allow Player Classes
Killstreak Editor: Don't Allow Killstreaks
Perk Editor: Don't allow perks. (Ghost is banned from being used as Perk 1)
Game Recording: Enabled

Game Mode Options
Bomb Timer: 45sec
Plant Time: 5sec
Defuse Time: 5sec
Multi-bomb: Disabled
Round Switch: Never
Score Limit: 8

General Options
Hardcore Mode: Enabled
Allow Killcam: Disabled (Enabled in PUGs)
Headshots Only: Disabled
Allow Sprint: Enabled

Respawn Options
Respawn Delay: Never
Force Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: None

Lives & Health Options
Number of Lives: 1
Max Health: Normal
Health Regen: Slow

Team Options
Spectating: Team Only
Friendly Fire: Enabled (Reflect in PUGs)

Party Privacy Lobby
Party Privacy : Invite Only

Kit restrictions (Primary Weapons)
Assault Rifles: FAMAS, Galil, AUG & G11 are banned.
Sub Machine Guns: AK74u banned, rest allowed.
Light Machine Guns: All LMGs are banned.
Shotguns: Stakeout & Olympia allowed, rest banned.
Sniper Rifles: L96A1 allowed, rest banned.

Kit restrictions (Secondary Weapons)
Pistols are the only secondary to be used. Launchers and Specials are banned. All pistols can be used.

Kit Restrictions (Attachments)
Across all Primary and Secondary weapons the following are banned:
Master Key
Grenade Launcher
Dual Wield
Infrared Scope
Full Auto Upgrade
Dual Mags
Extended Mags
Rapid Fire

Is there prizes?

SFe - $100
SFa - $50
SFs - $25

Post your gamer tag to join and all the people will be annouced with what section then are in when it's all full.
Will you be the one giving out the money for prizes?
Great idea and should be taken into consideration.
I would like to join this Tournament cause Im a beast in SnD. Sign me up xxWylieEarpxx.
I would love to join this.
I'm using my friends GT at the moment, the tag is TRG RaydeN, feel free to add me!
My tag is TRG RaydeN, I'll play in this.
This is not a bad idea, i quite like it.
There should also be one of these for some other popular games like halo Reach and GOW3, so everyone has a chance
If it's still open, which I doubt it is since you haven't been online for a few weeks, I'll sign up and play. Gamertag is WorldWideNuke, any members adding me should say they're from Support Forums so I know.
Sounded interesting if this happened!
Id like to play, What is the prize? And i like SnD! HMU for my Gamertag
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