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Full Version: Anybody want to bet? ..
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Let's bet!

This user:

Will never be back online.

Evidence on my part:

He's already gotten the award.

lol thats a hard bet....but he is a good member so I'll say he'll get back on
It is possible that he won't return but we can't just pinpoint one member; there are far more members who have done the same thing. Some members only come for that sole purpose, but they soon start to like Support Forums and the helpful atmosphere around here. If they leave, they leave. If they stay, then good on them. Smile

I reached 100 posts too but I stay here, I like this forum
You never know, he may come back
No offence to staff, but keeping the forums spam free would help. 100+ HQ Posts in <5 hours is pretty difficult.
If Omni puts an award for 200 posts then he will be back on..
(08-31-2011, 07:24 PM)YNL Wrote: [ -> ]No offence to staff, but keeping the forums spam free would help. 100+ HQ Posts in <5 hours is pretty difficult.

Some members do post spam but there are a select few that actually post high quality. 100 posts in 5 hours works out at about 20 posts an hour, which is easily doable. However, some people abuse the system and post pointless spam. Either way the award is helping improve the amount of posts we get here at Support Forums, which isn't a bad thing.
U wanna bet bro?! I come back here and check all the time! yes HF is my main forum! But i like SF also. Also, another private forum!
I'll bet you 500 Bucks Big Grin
Then i'll pay him 20 bucks to get back on Big Grin
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