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Hello Gamers, I post this thread because I found some picture yesterday, I explain you.

I was in the clan of x_KILL1ONAIRE_x (Ex #1). RayeD_X (second leader of the clan, #2 worldwide) on Killzone2, he told me I'm "the successor". When Killzone3 came out, I bought it, sure, and I played, played and played. But there was a problem, people which buy the Pack Collector enjoyed a code, a code which doubled your points for 24 hours, but there was again a problem, the code has never stopped, in the Top 15 worldwide, we were the only 2 players (Legionario_90 and XxHaTeD-RaTeDXx [me]) who didn't have this code. The bug of the code persisted, I had to play two times more than other players, I stopped to play, because I had not my points doubled, and I did the math, RayeD_X was right, if this bug had not been, I would be #2 worldwide.

On this picture I'm #22 worldwide because I stopped already to play at this moment, I didn't take photo when I was #6, I'm stupid, but the players can tell you.

[Image: image20110322204607119.jpg]

I was also in the clan of the #1 worldwide in Killzone3 but he had the code double XP point.

[Image: image20110322204651237.jpg]

My profile 1 day before I left.

[Image: image20110322204715365.jpg]

Me with the clan of the #1 worldwide on Killzone2, [K1N6], in this clan there was the #1, #2, #3, #6, #9 worldwide, me and the others expert players, we were called "beast". (kildorm is my old PSN ID) 2,44 ratio on Killzone2.

[Image: k1n6kildorm.jpg]

And you, are you in the Top 10, 15 of a game ?
I was in the top 1000 of black ops.. :/ Well probably still am actually. In team death match too! Had like an average score per minute of 650 or so.. I was freakin good. But only played with clan so It made me look ever better. Plus this was on PS3
Yes but you know, on Kz2 it was really realistic, about the recoil, the weight of arms, etc, it's more harder than CoD...
And 3 points if you kill someone, 4 points if you headshot someone.
(08-27-2011, 01:06 PM)Vexna Wrote: [ -> ]Yes but you know, on Kz2 it was really realistic, about the recoil, the weight of arms, etc, it's more harder than CoD...
And 3 points if you kill someone, 4 points if you headshot someone.

Yeah I know bro! It's just the only game I take seriously is cod :/ I just wish it was more like COD modern warfare 1 still.. And not so freakin fake like mw2 and blackops :/! Your accomplishments are very very good tho man!
Thanks alot, I have been disgusted by Killzone 3 because it's like CoD now... Just Killzone2 was epic.
(08-27-2011, 01:20 PM)Vexna Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks alot, I have been disgusted by Killzone 3 because it's like CoD now... Just Killzone2 was epic.

LOL! That is exactly how I feel about Modern Warfare.. They feel it has to get complex and crazy with awesome stuff everywhere.. When I like cod mw1 when it was simple and yet hard. It was talent.. Not RC cars to kill people..
Yes I understand, on Killzone3, no skill needed...
I was in the top 100 for exp in halo 3 team slayer Big Grin
(08-30-2011, 12:06 AM)Dixed Wrote: [ -> ]I was in the top 100 for exp in halo 3 team slayer Big Grin

Haha great, I was also in the top 50 on Killzone2, + #6 on Killzone3, I'm Killzone addict!
(08-30-2011, 05:08 AM)Vexna Wrote: [ -> ]Haha great, I was also in the top 50 on Killzone2, + #6 on Killzone3, I'm Killzone addict!

Nice one, thats a pretty big achievement to be honest Big Grin
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