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That's AWESOME! Does it not try to bite you? I would not pet one. Thanks for the proof.
I love Pihranas! I wish I had one.
That's awesome man, pretty much the most badass fish you could get. xD
My friend had a piranha! It was big :o
I'm not a fan of Piranhas. Although, from what I've seen, they seem like interesting pets.
Arowanas look cool, I just looked one up.. pretty BA and pirannahs?! What do you feed them?
That is pretty damn epic, I have to say. How it just ate that bug, owned it good. I kind of wanted a fish like that, but the hassle of cleaning the tank, and other stuff I don't really have much time for prevented me of doing so.

Thanks for showing him though, he looks like a damn nice fish.
I had a beta fish, that thing would own it. That's a pretty sweet pet though.
Nice do you have a video of it?
Show us atleast a photo of it dude,you may upload the video later Smile
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