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Full Version: Twitter Links - Open in new tab or same tab?
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It was a tossup for me on where to post this, it's a bit minor, but just something I noticed in the edit profile area on MyBB.

When you input the Twitter page on the edit profile area that if you put the number sign before your link like the way Twitter formats most of the twitter pages (Example: #SupportForums), that the twitter icon that shows up on posts does not open in a new tab page, it opens in the same tab that the person has open.

Whereas if you have no number sign in the Twitter page that you input in the edit profile area (Example: SupportForums), the little twitter icon that shows up on posts does redirect you to the twitter page in a new tab.

I am not looking for opinions on which you prefer, take the time to actually read what I wrote here. The thread title is just a placeholder for the idea of my actual topic

New tab, no doubt about it. Just my preference.
What? No I wasn't asking for preference lol. I was just pointing out that depending on whether or not the # is in the entry for the Twitter in the Edit Profile area in the UserCP would determine whether or not the Twitter page would open in the same window or a new tab.
OH lol. I couldn't really understand what you were saying so I just assumed you were asking lol
Nope, but I posted this up because I noticed that my Twitter icon wasn't directing me to a new tab and was opening the location in the same tab, whereas Solidus has his twitter icon in his posts redirect me to the Twitter page in a new tab.
Ahh ok, either way I do prefer a new tab xD
Same for me, I was just wondering why that was happening at first because I knew MyBB by default opens links in new tabs.

Edit: Nevermind, I was completely off with this thread. Way off. It's still not opening in a new tab for me when I have it without the # sign.
I also preffer new tab Smile because then i click on the other tab if i wanted to do something there.
Again, the point of this thread was not asking for preferences. I'll have to make it clearer in the original post...
(08-27-2011, 12:11 AM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Again, the point of this thread was not asking for preferences. I'll have to make it clearer in the original post...

Lol Ace, because of Com, I look silly. He's spamming, but I was just way too tired last night to comprehend lol.
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