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Don't be too harsh here. It's been almost a year since I last made a signature. It's probably not very good but I felt like making one anyway.

[Image: Cod]
That's quite nice Fragma, have you seen Blixx's Halo signatures? They're amazing!
I like that, It's nice. Good job.

Is there meant to be a black border?
prepare for some stuff dude.
The flames don't blend with the tag at all.
The render is LQ.
Make the text different.
You want the solider to be the focal and have you eyes focus on him when you first see the tag.
The focal point for me is the "G" in "Fragma" I would agree, effects should be a part of the piece, but not a main part of the piece. Flames are nice, in some areas it looks odd to me though
Seems to look really good but the flames seem to be off and when could you wear a gas mask in cod? 6/10

Better luck next time Smile
It looks good for me. I dont see anything, wrong with it. Good job Smile
This is sweet as hell bro! Seriously, amaziing. I love how you used the gas mask guy also Smile! Nova gas is sexy too!
I actually like it a lot. Nice job, keep up the good work.
Also, the thing I like most about this is the way you used your text! I love that style, it is hard for me to explain, but it looks like you froze a youtube video where the text were both going 2 different ways! Idk :/ hard to explain!
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