I have Labrador They are awesome dog and love their family...
dog treats of good quality.
I have a Pomeranian, the small fluffy ones. I admit most of them tend to be really yappy and annoying, but shes pretty chill.
I have 3 beautiful staffordshire bull terriers, they're gorgeous
Also OP you should try 'jazzing' your post up a bit, rather than creating a thread where you can discuss with people and get your post count up. Which is fine but you could put a bit more effort into it.
I have a yorshire terrier and a jack russel.
I love my dogs.
I have a jack russel, shes had puppies a while back and she is so small the puppies were so small you could hold 6 on your palms held flat
I have a male (Basco) and female(Lumba) German shepherd. I care them very much.
I have a schnauzer
Very clever and obedient dog
I've got a Shih tzu, a Maltease and a Boxer
I have a Sharpei and her name is truffles ;3