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Full Version: How to whiten your skin?
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Hide from the sun, it's your only option. Also, get scared.
Haha, lol. Dumb question I guess...
Google it, there are probably some drugs you can take or something.
(08-17-2011, 03:38 PM)Emotionalâ„¢ Wrote: [ -> ]Bleach, or something like that.

Michael had a rare skin disease. He didn't do that on purpose.
You are lucky, I would love to have tanned skin. Don't try and fit in, everyone in your area probably knows you and you are like some sort of local celebrity. Smile
dont let it bother you. Bleeching your entire body will destroy your skin. look what happened to MJ
(08-18-2011, 02:33 AM)Extasey Wrote: [ -> ]FUCKTHEM.

Is your area super racist or som crap? Who cares. Be happy brown. Chicks dig it.

Just tell the white boys that your dicks bigger. That'll shut them the fudge up.

lol. Op be happy on what you look like don't every try to change for anyone
Stay indoors and infront of computer monitors or tvs
Wear sunblock that actually blocks UV rays.
(be sure to not pick up that tanning sun cream, lmao)
wear layers, if your skin isn't in direct contact you shouldn't tan.

Other than that there isn't really anything you can do other than the MJ route. =]
huh really? just kick the trollers about your skin and be happy with your color [ even if it becomes black ] Big Grin
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