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Is nobody gonna help?
Wel thanks man.. Sad
I'm sorry, but, when you try to end the task it doesn't work?

Like, when you bring up task manager, which is ctrl+alt+del, then you click Task Manager, and you click the Deep Freeze task and press end, it doesn't work?

EDIT: Just got another good idea, boot in safe mode, then uninstall.

Should have no problem.
Hi IRoRoana,
You can download Revo uninstaller and unstall it. It would be simple
I would personally try FileASSASIN, which forces a process to quit before deleting it, otherwise, if you really want to get rid of the application, although I don't recommend you do this as it's a powerful application... Is to use Avenger to wipe the program from your system.

If you had PowerShell you could check the list of running services and processes and stop/remove any of them associated with the program before an uninstall.

Here's what I would do though:
  • Boot your PC up in Safe Mode
  • Uninstall the application then