Hello, Welcome To GraphicsForums Thread...
I hope to see you all their.
I'm still working on a theme and etc but right now were looking for suggestios and content..
First thing I noticed is that out of 12 categories, only 4 are actually graphics related.
Since you're still working on a theme I won't comment on the current one. Although I think you need a new banner/logo.
Nice domain though.
Thanks.. but Im just looking for suggestions and im also lookin for people to post more content.. >..< Im still working on other things.
My suggestion was to get rid of some unnecessary categories.
Ima do that..
just gimmeh time...
Now i need content! lol
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2. Only one review thread per 24 hour period. So don't spam threads here.
3. You should comment on at least 2 other review requests before posting your site for review.
4. When making comments make them constructive and civil.
5. Don't forget to rate the thread. Use it to rate the site too.
Thread will most likely be closed until you reach the requirements needed.
Okay.. ill work on that didnt know that sorry..