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Full Version: How can someone do this to a dog?
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I have four dogs. Anyone who hurts an animal like that should be sent straight to prison imo.
That is great news that the man has been put to justice. I hate it when people think that other living beings don't deserve basic rights just because they aren't as smart as the person.

That dog is real lucky to have someone like you to take care of him now
(08-09-2011, 12:38 PM)Athostle Wrote: [ -> ]Saving a life is everyones business. If you saw some girl being raped on the street, would you not call 911, because what the rapist does is "None of your business." ...?
Some people wouldn't. I would. But if you did call 9-1-1 and the man got arrested, fined, or whatever, would you go and try to talk to him about why he tries to rape girls? Of course you wouldn't.
Yeah, talk to the police. They're assholes and should be put in jail.
Some people simply are coldhearted, wish animal cruelty had harsher punishments.
already read this on HF, good story.
Aww. he looks so cute. The guy who did that against the dog, should be killed with an AK47 ..
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