The image is not offensive at all. No need for the disclaimer.
A lot of people that don't have much knowledge about the US Civil War, or what that means, etc. would be offended, which is why I put it there

So if someone is offended they offended themselves because they were warned. Everyone here already knows I'm a redneck lol. I think I'm going to start a new thread here in a second about something.
Lol, your tattoo gave it away for me.
w0w Congratz Elektrisk, it was a good choise imo

Thanks a lot guys!

I feel honored. Thanks Skill, for hosting the contest.

Grats, I think I missed it too.
Congratulations Elektrisk you really deserve this, and keep them tutorials coming

You are most welcome, Elektrisk. Your prize has been sent through PayPal as a gift