The cat my not have run away, Remember cats take a while getting used to were you live, you should of kept the cat housebound for at least 2 weeks.
Try making a couple of ads around the streets. Ask people. I hope you find your cat though!
Im sorry bro, maybe you should since this will be it's first environment.
That's really sad. My friend's cat, ran away two days before his birthday.
Then after his birthday a week passed, and his orange tabby kitten was hit by a car.
I'd honestly cry if my dog ran away
I hope you get your cat back :/
I suggest trying to ask people if they saw it or put flyers on the street
Should you get a new cat?
If you had a kid and they just decided to run away would you get a new kid?
The cat that ran away should be properly receive some closure.
You just can't buy some new cat and expect everything to be the same.
Try and wait a few days and see if she comes back if not get a new one .
Sorry to hear that bro. It would be harmless to get a new cat.