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I feed them crickets, locusts, moths etc.

The bigger ones get a mouse once a month.
(08-29-2011, 06:04 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Where do you think it got it's name? lol

I'm not sure about the full bird, but I know that once they jump on the bird after spotting it, one bite will make it drop to the ground.

The Goliath was named a birdeater by the guy who discovered it. Apparently it was eating a bird when it was discovered. Tongue
Those spiders are so creepy! Haha I could never own any..I can't sleep now just from the pics :X
(08-30-2011, 07:08 PM)NozHost.Com Wrote: [ -> ]I feed them crickets, locusts, moths etc.

The bigger ones get a mouse once a month.

The Goliath was named a birdeater by the guy who discovered it. Apparently it was eating a bird when it was discovered. Tongue

I thought I seen something on discovery planet or possibly read about it somewhere that there was a spider that could jump and would actually prey on birds though
Cool spiders man, they look pretty scary though, I'd never want to have one as a pet lmfao.
Spiders creep me out! Are any of them poisonous? At lease I now know who's house not to go to.
They are venomous but not 'poisonous' to humans.

Usually compared to a bee sting. Although some of the 'old world' tarantulas can make you ill/muscle cramps/swelling/severe pain for up to week after the bite. The P.muticus/P.regalis are capable of this.

The goliath is the one i don't really want to take a bite off. The fang are over 1"(3cm) long. Could do some real damage just from the bite.

I love my spiders lol. <3
Damn bro. Well I suppose people like what they like.

Nice collection I guess.
holy crap lol, I hate big ass spiders like that.
I hate spiders check out my HF thread what happened to me one night Pinch
I love my spiders lol. Big Grin

What is there to be scared of?
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