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Why do you have spiders as pets? Do you play with them?
The last time I saw any spiders of that size we were attempting to keep camel spiders out of our tent. You can keep your crazy pets. To be honest I'd rather be back in combat than deal with your "pets" haha.
UGH, that crap feeling you get when looking at them Sad
Dude I am so freakin scared of spiders and insects lol. Spiders are what scare me at night when I'm in bed :| but when I actually see one around (there are no big ones where I live just small harmless ones) then I just go like god damn then I have to squish it if it's inside a place.
Spiders are soo cute in my opinion. I wish I was allowed to keep pet spiders, and tarantulas, haha.

They're really smart in my opinion, and they make cool webs :]

You should update the thread with new photos of them ^^
I may well do very soon. I have a few new T's i could show you guys. Smile
Holy crap, do you handle those? I could never own that sort of pet.
Are any of these potently venomous? I know people who deal with spiders like those on a daily basis because of the adrenaline rush they can receive from messing up.
I wouldn't ever want them as a pet.

What happens if they get out of the cage?
That creeped me out immensely. I had to stop at the first picture but it looks amazing the colors however.
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