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here are the sspecs... going of memory

intel I7 duel core
6gb ram
1gb video memory
1tb hardrive

comes with xp for $700
@ Marda

Well this is a good one.But you haven't mentioned the Speakers.And 6Gb ram is of no use.I don't know that for what purpose you have such a large ram.

And if it is a new computer then why you haven't installed the Windows Xp instead of Windows 7 or ubuntu.
It's great computer, but install 7 on it. Not XP.
It's good, but i think it's a be pricey to be honest. Smile
yer i getting win 7 so i'll install that insted of xp it comes with no speackers Sad but thats alright got a pair of my own... and with the ram i dunno... i no it is a lot of ram and i wouild have a choice of 64bit and 32 bit i prob s would for 32 bit tho no programs are compatable with 64bit so...yer
@ Marda.

Well this is ok.But you must have Windows 7 installed on it as it is a new PC.
kk thxs for the help every1 i am going to et win 7 installed on it.
(10-24-2009, 07:34 AM)Akshay* Wrote: [ -> ]@ Marda

Well this is a good one.But you haven't mentioned the Speakers.And 6Gb ram is of no use.I don't know that for what purpose you have such a large ram.

And if it is a new computer then why you haven't installed the Windows Xp instead of Windows 7 or ubuntu.

Motherboard supports i7 type sockets and DDR3 RAM I believe. And RAM is cheap nowadays, 6GB for ~120, so why not?

By the way, are you sure it's an i7 "dual core" or a quad core? I don't see why an i7 CPU is coming with an XP OS, should be coming with Windows 7 64 bit, if not, Vista 64 bit the least.
(10-24-2009, 07:35 AM)TechMan8 Wrote: [ -> ]It's great computer, but install 7 on it. Not XP.

I disagree with this opinion.
Windows 7 may be out but will be buggy just like Vista ; being that it's new.
Windows XP has been out for awhile, along with quick online solutions.
(10-24-2009, 09:29 PM)Surface Wrote: [ -> ]I disagree with this opinion.
Windows 7 may be out but will be buggy just like Vista ; being that it's new.
Windows XP has been out for awhile, along with quick online solutions.

Windows XP doesn't offer much 64 bit support, you're better off going 7 or Vista.
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