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How to Properly Post a Program on SF

Things that should be included in your thread...
1.) A Picture(s)
2.) Features of the program
3.) A virus scan
4.) Credit needs to be given where needed
5.) Coding Language(Visual Basic,C#,ect...)
6.) Proper Grammar

This will help you and others out. Other users will be more likely to download your program, and will give the thread a better rating.

Remember, the more in depth your thread is and the more information other users can read about it, the better it is.

These are just some things to keep in mind when posting a tutorial or program. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Nice thread, Hopefully this will help others out when they release a program.

It is annoying when a member just posts something like "Check out my new cool proggy, http://..."
Nice little guide there, will help alot of people out.
Thanks, mabye in addition add a form that users copypaste from here and fill out on their own thread?
(08-01-2011, 03:12 PM)alabama Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, mabye in addition add a form that users copypaste from here and fill out on their own thread?
Everybody is different. Some people will like the way i write it out, others will not. I am not going to do this, because the form would be different for different programs. Ill let them do that.

Nice post man, hopefully this will help members become high quality while posting, I'm sick of seeing those posts where it's like "I made a program that does this download here".
Yep, that's basically all you need.
But when they do a AV scan what should they use? Virustotal? I'm asking because some people ask for different sites to scan on :/
(08-03-2011, 02:38 PM)Deceive Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, that's basically all you need.
But when they do a AV scan what should they use? Virustotal? I'm asking because some people ask for different sites to scan on :/
Visurtotal works, so does novirusthanks

I'd advice you to use VirusTotal Deceive, because people know people don't scan on VirusTotal because they report files and thus making files unFUD.
Nice, helpful if a day I post one.