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We got any here? I'm working with another guy making one.
It's gonna be epic. Anyone else make themes?
I'll PM you. hope it helps.
I am going to learn to make these, but I am still learning CSS Sad
Yeah I still need to learn CSS, I know it but don't know how to integrate it with other code and don't know how to name it and stuffl ike that.
I only know how to edit already created themes how I want them. I haven't really learned how to create an actual theme yet Sad
You will have to learn css first I can give you lessons if you need anySmile just send me a pm
CSS isn't hard to learn. I just like editing a premade one to where it different.
Good luck with this! It will be nice to see.I think there are one or two.
good luck learning CSS it isnt that hard but it will help you in the long run
I know CSS and HTML and a small bit of PHP... what else do I need to know?