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Here's the speed test from my RDP:

[Image: 1402233123.png]
I honestly don't know how you guys get your crap so fast. Well, I do - your ISP isn't fags. :\
Well you obviously need to pay more for your cable each month that is how...some ISP's just do not even have higher speeds and are not up to date which is terrible like if you live in the middle of no where but if you are in a big city and have the cash for it then I would just bump it up a notch. I love having fast internet because I am on it daily and just stream which fast internet is needed and download movies and things like that.
I guess I am spoiled and just couldn't even handle slower internet since I am so use to just having it all instantly. What is wrong with our generation! Tongue
(07-25-2011, 07:33 PM)Launcher Wrote: [ -> ]No way that is your internet speed what the heck!
It says google on it so does that mean that is googles servers speed or something? I would believe it them lol
Google hosts my internet (:
Here is my speedtest, I think it's really fast and good tbh.

[Image: 1402273410.png]
There is already a thread I made for this but whatever
I checked my internet speed at .I got accurate results.
My Results are
Download speed-14.057Mbps
Upload speed-6.647Mbps.
Is this good or not?
Here is my internet speed!

[Image: 2477334645.png9]
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