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I wouldn't pick any of those games lol, now if Mass effect I'll pick that
I must say, I love a lot of those games on the list. But Halo 2... All time favorite. It will never phase me. Smile
Well Bioshock 1 and 2 were my favourite games, but if i'd have to choose one i'd say the 2nd. Because we were a big daddy and that makes us feel more powerfull than with Jack.
Out of these, MW2. Very disappointed in BO.
Red Dead Redemption was amazing - a reminder of GTA III - the newness of it all. Halo 2 if I could go back in time to the amazing days.
Halo 3 enough said cant wait for Halo 4 to come out
my favorite game is Halo 3 hell yea
I'm starting to make a Team Slayer booster, going to get a new account and get 100 losses on it before I start winning. Big Grin
My favorite game on the list is probably MW2. I probably would like CoD4 better, like everyone else, but I never got to really getting into the game.
Uhmm... COD5 was my favorite!

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